A pleasant and friendly team relies on the emotional health of its members. Discover a corporate psychologist for your company and pay for the actual services provided only, without any monthly payments. Cooperating with the agency will provide you with a selection of comfortable consultation methods for each team member individually.
Technology solutions
High-quality customer service is one of the main competitive advantages in modern business. Our technological solutions are able to reduce customer churn, to increase the efficiency of the employee motivation system, to identify best practices, difficult cases and growth points, and improve self-monitoring and self-training efficiency of the staff.
Corporate training is an active method of personnel training, which is based on various programs. During the training, the practical part, based on the company's cases, prevails over the theoretical part. Creating the programs, we are focusing the direction of the customer's business activity and the training's goal. Each event is customized in accordance with the customer's request.
T: +7 844 2 20 12 15 Е: info@cherie-agency.ru
Address 1901 office, 62 bldg, Rokossovskogo str., Volgograd city 400050, Russia
Personal Psychology & Corporate Development Agency