About Chérie


About Chérie

Chérie Personal Psychology and Corporate Development Agency
Chérie is a young and dynamically developing agency, it was founded on November 03, 2023. Today, the agency successfully operates both commercial and social projects. Our team is always open to new ideas and looks straight to the future. The agency provides customers with a wide range of services. We offer psychological counseling and professional orientation services for private customers, as well as corporate trainings, corporate psychological services and modern technological solutions for business.
In accordance with agency's goal - "Psychological culture affordable to everyone", we provide our customers with: flexible fares, installment and loan programs, customizing our trainings to meet customer requirements and approaching each customer individually.

Together we stand

Together we stand

The slogan

Creating success with our own hands

The mission

Society and business psychological culture development

The goal

Psychological services affordable to everyone

Big eye to details

Personal Psychology and Corporate Development Agency
Chérie is French for sweet (cute). This is how we see our relationship with our customers, because our main focus is to make people happier.
The services
Two arrows stylized in the form of triangles symbolizes business directions. The large triangle is a symbol of a business customers, and the small is a symbol of a private customers
Uppercase letter
The customers
The uppercase letter "C" which is framing the triangles is a symbol of our the customers - the target audience of the Agency
Dashed lines
The development
The dashed lines which is framing the uppercase letter 'C' is a symbol of the society and business psychological culture development, which is in line with the Agency's mission
The growth
The small triangle above the "i" inside the name of Chérie Agency is a stylized upward pointing arrow which is a symbol of the growth and development of each customer. Both business and private.